Roxy is a traditional name for a cinema but it can also be the short version of the female name Roxanne. The book purposely leaves room for both interpretations. Kerstin Hehmann asked filmmakers, colleagues and friends to let themselves be photographed in the cinema. She soon noticed that her subjects quickly forgot about her presence as they became entranced by the film. The events in the film are reflected on the faces of the viewers. The lighting atmosphere from the film reverberates in the room. Fiction and reality can merge.
The book itself is structured like a film. There is a prologue “previously on…” and an epilogue of credits, including a fictive production company logo. Leafing through the book, black pages with raised, varnished writing can be found, which function as the sound.

born and lives in Osnabrueck, Germany; works as a freelance photographer and for an interest group of filmmakers; has a degree in artpedagogic and literature; has taken project courses at Ostkreuz School of Photography, Berlin.
Award: 2013: 3th. prize Cedefop-Thessaloniki-“The Games of Others”, Greece
• 2019IndianPhotographyFestival,StateArtGallery,Hyderabad,India
• 2017ZentrumfürKünstlerpublikationenWeserburg|MuseumfürmoderneKunst,Bremen
• 2017PiB’sPhotobookMarketatGalerieFranzkowiak,Berlin
• 2017PiB’sFotobuchmarktbeimCEPICCONGRESS2017,Berlin
• 2016AthensPhotoFestival,BenakiMuseum,Athen,Greece
• 2016FELIFA,FeriadeLibrosdeFotosdeAutor,BuenosAires,Argentina
• 2016EncontrosdaImagemFestival,Braga,Portugal
• 2016SCANFestivalInt.deFotografia,Tarragona,Spain