After the downpour the light was simply mesmerizing, everything around me was; despite the fact everyone was too busy taking selfies or trying to capture that moment in time instead of living it at its fullest.

The new social media wave and trends pull everyone at aiming to be a “photographer”, as we feel the need to be admired and accepted by the people of the web, unsettling completely how we live relationships and how we perceive them.

An intense feeling of abandon in solitude.


Giulia Tagliaferri nasce nell’autunno del ’93 a Roma. Cresce in provincia e si fa donna viaggiando per anni solitariamente in Europa fin quando non ha deciso di tornare a scoprire e vivere la semplicità e genuinità delle sue radici. Attualmente frequenta il corso triennale di fotografia all’Istituto Superiore di Fotografia e comunicazione integrata di Roma.